Program Studi : ENGLISH
Semester : VIII (TAHUN 2017-2018)
Lokasi :
Nama Dosen :
Hari/Tanggal : KAMIS 4 Mei 2017
Waktu : 15.00-16.30 (jam ke -1)

1. Please describe with your own sentences. How is the sociolinguistic happened?
2. There are 7 standards or criteria to make a language according to Bell (1976). Please mentions and explains the criteria to distinguish one type of language from another.
3. In sociolinguistic we had been study about language, dialect and varieties.
a. What are the different of language, dialect and varieties of language?
b. Please give the example of language, dialect and varieties of language.
4. Pidgin and creole appears because of so many reasons, namely: tourism, business, sailing etc.
- According to you, pidgin and creole are the same language? Give your explanation!
- Can you explain how the important pidgin and creole for the people who have difference language?
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