
Senin, 16 Maret 2020


  1. Is it true that sociolinguistic just explain the relationship both of language and social life? Give your explanation!
  2. Can you explain what are
a.       The relationship both of language and dialect?
b.      Give the example language and dialect
c.       What are differences language and dialect?
d.      How is dialect happened toward the language?
  1. Let’s give your explanation, identification the differences, and the example based on the items below:
a.       Diglossia Vs. Bilingualism
b.      Polydiglossia Vs. Multilanguage
c.       Choosing code
d.      Code mixing  Vs. code switching
  1. Let’s give your explanation and the example based on the items below:
a.       The differences both of regional and social variation
b.      Using regional and social variation based on linguistic and society
c.       Relationship both of Hv and Lv  with regional and social variation
5.                  a. Please create by your own case which are condition used their lingua franca, pidgin and Creole?
b.      Then, based on that case, please explain what are differences lingua franca, pidgin and Creole?

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