
Sabtu, 21 Maret 2020


Dear my Students,

During this semester, you will create your own paper based on the course book which has been served trough this blog. You should be careful, because this assignments is your final assignments. The assignment are:
1. Create your own paper related to your material. (avoid plagiarist) cuz, you will send your paper
    H-1 before presentation to my email caltirarosiana@stkipnganjuk.ac.id. Then, I will check your
    paper. Give the clear explanation, types and examples.
2. Make the video at least 5 examples language or social life related to your material. Do not forget
    give additional explanation related to your videos.

In the end of this semester, you are going to face these materials:
1. Language, dialect and varieties
   (language and dialects, regional dialect, social dialects, style and register)
2. Pidgin and Creole language
    (lingua francas, pidgin and creole: definition, geographical distribution and linguistic 
     characteristic, theories of origin, from pidgin to creole and beyond)
3. Choosing Code
    (Diglossia, bilingualism and multilingualism, code choice, code switching, and code mixing)
4. Speech Communities
    (Definition- intersecting communities, network and repertoires)
5. Regional and Social Variation
    ( Regional variation, the linguistic variable, relating linguistic variable to social variation)
6. Language Change
    ( The traditional view, some change in progress, the mechanism of change)
7. Solidarity and Politeness
    (Tu and Vous, address terms, politeness)
8. Acting and Conversing
   ( Speech Acts, Cooperation and Face, Some features of conversations)
9. Language and Sex
    ( Male- Female difference, Some Possible Explanations)
10. Language and Disadvantage
    ( Bernstein and codes, black English, Some consequences for education)

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