
Senin, 30 Maret 2020


Assalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb.
Good morning everybody…
First of all, let us praise to the Almighty Allah SWT, because of His Blessing we are able to come here, to join this event as English Story telling...
Secondly, may peace be upon our prophet, Muhammad SAW, who has guided us into the right ways of life.
Ladies and Gentlemen;
We are as the committee of this English story telling, would like to say many thanks to all of you who have coming here to join, participate and share together in improving our English ability. Without your contribution, it is impossible for us to run this activity. We hope this event will give the positive contribution for us to develop our language competence, especially in speaking skill.
My beloved students,
Before we run this competition, as the host (MC), personally I would like to say I’m so sorry if there are mistakes or inconveniences in my utterances during handling all program or sessions in this meeting.
My Beloved students,
This competition will contains some rules, they are:
1.      The story telling just followed by Spensa Students’ “All of Spensa students’s Right?”
2.      This competition will be run from 5 minutes up to 6 minutes.
3.      The theme of this story is free (means, you can choose from inside or outside of our country)
4.      Because of this competition is English story telling, so all of the participates should used English language right?
5.      When I call the first participate, please the next participate prepare their self outside the room.
6.      Are you ready to start the competition? Let’s we rock....

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