
Rabu, 29 April 2020


       I.            Introduction
1.1         Background Of  Problem
1.     Regional variations : refers to area or geography. Regional variations in the way languages ​​are spoken tend to be one of the most striking ways to observe variations in language.
2.     Social variations : refer to social groups. This involves grouping people together according to their status in society and according to their group.
Moreover, in a variety of languages have various forms, such as standard and non-standard variations. These variations arise because of social and cultural factors, where individuals or groups of individuals live. language of a person or group of people less influenced by environmental or extra lingual factors that come into contact with it. Therefore extra lingual factor is thus a form of language to suit a wide-variety of social reality that reflection.
All languages exhibit internal variation, each language exists in a number of varieties and is in one sense the sum of  those varieties.Defines a variety of language as ‘a set of linguistic items with similar distribution,’ a definition that allows us to say that all of the following are varieties. Speakers have various ways of saying the same thing. It may arise from the mechanical limitations of the speech organs for instance speaker may not be fully under the speaker’s control.
Linguistic variable is linguistic unit or a sociolinguistic has variant in lexical and grammatical, but are most often phonological. The terms of variety language are emerged due to different systems reflecting different varieties of the human condition. Variety is a specific set of ‘linguistic items’ or ‘human speech patterns’ (presumably, sounds, words, grammatical features, etc.) which we can connect with some external factor apparently, a geographical area or a social group.
1.2 Formulation Of  Problem
1.     What is Regional Variation?
2.     What is Social Variation?
1.3 Objectives
1.     To know regional variation.
2.     To know social variation.
    II.            Discussion
1.1 Definition Of Regional And Social Variation
According to Gorlach (2000 : 459-538) said that usually lack any more detailed insight into what functions this variation had for the individual speaker.  The social correlates so well known from modern sociolinguistics, such as age, sex, education, religion, can normally not be applied to the existing texts, nor can even the geographical range of recorded forms be determined with any degree of certainty. Finally, if modern dialect or other non-standard features are contrasted with (as the term non-standard implies) an accepted standard form of a language. It is safe to assume that for its speakers the linguistic was ordered in some way, but it was so only for continually shifting speech communities, whose number and individual geographical spread we know very little about.
According to Sevinj (2015) said that variations formed within long years after the results of the historical progress, it has several variations in different places. The regional dialects reflect all the new words in the social lifestyle, in flora and fauna of these places. And such kinds of words being the dialect of one place are not understandable to another group of people who live in other place or otherwise, the new word is widely used and understood by everyone. It enters the dictionary of the language and stays there for a long time. The variation in the behavior of the subject is attributed to the change in the experimental treatment. In sociolinguistics, social factors, often referred to as extra-linguistic factors, are used to predict the occurrence of certain kinds of language behavior. Independent variables are also called predictor variables.
According to Clopper dan Smiljanic (2015 : 1-15) said that variation in vowel and syllable duration has been examined for a number of national, regional, and ethnic varieties of English and the observed differences are typically attributed to contact with languages with less syllable-to-syllable vowel variation. Language contact may also explain the variability observed in temporal organization in ethnic varieties. Although most of the previous research documenting within-language variability in temporal organization has relied on these metrics for analysis, several recent studies have raised critical questions about their reliability and validity. In particular, the metrics exhibit substantial variability within languages when different speaking styles.
A linguistic variable is a variable whose values are words or sentences in a natural or artificial language. A Linguistic variable has values that are language elements, such as words and phrases. Accordingly, that regional variations are used to describe things related to a particular area of ​​a country or the world. Regional variations are not from just two or more dialects but from very different languages. Dialect is used to describe features or grammar and vocabulary as well as aspects of pronunciation. Social variation is displaying the style of speech in three styles, which are casual, careful conversation, and reading. Social variation in language is an important topic in sociolinguistics, because it refers to social factors in society and how each factor plays a role in language varieties.
1.2 Types Of Variation
3.     Regional variations : refers to area or geography. Regional variations in the way languages ​​are spoken tend to be one of the most striking ways to observe variations in language.
4.     Social variations : refer to social groups. This involves grouping people together according to their status in society and according to their group.
1.3 The Following Prototype Properties
a.      This is a variation used by educated users, for example those in the profession, media, and so on.
b.     This is a variation defined in the dictionary, grammar, and usage guide.
c.      It is considered more correct and socially acceptable than other varieties.
d.     It enjoys greater prestige than dialects and non-standard varieties: non-standard varieties are perceived as less educated provinces.
e.      This is used as a written language.
f.       It is used in important functions in society - in government, parliament, justice, bureaucracy, education, literature, trade, and industry.
Language variations are variations of speakers for speaking languages. So many differences that we can see in our lives. One reason is because we as humans also differ in some ways to think, culture, territory, and so on. Such variations of language exist. talking about the variation itself is not to show which is the best which is worse but this is a beautiful language designed by humans. So, don't say you're the best because of Americans or anything else, but think about how clever humans make a beautiful difference.
Regional variations that refers to area or geography. Regional variations in the way languages ​​are spoken tend to be one of the most striking ways to observe variations in language. Social variations thats refer to social groups. This involves grouping people together according to their status in society and according to their group. Language is one of the most important languages in the world.
https://zuhriaibas.blogspot.com/2014/10/makalah-sociolinguistic-language.html    (di akses  pada          19.03.20 pukul 00.18)
Sevinj, M. 2015. HUMAN-SOCIAL SCIENCE: G Linguistics & Education :       Global Journal of HUMAN     SOCIAL SCIENCE : 15(12)
https://globaljournals.org/GJHSS_Volume15/2-Social-and-Regional.pdf  (di        akses pada 19.03.20     pukul 01.00)
Görlach, M. 2000. REGIONAL AND SOCIAL VARIATION. The Cambridge  History of the English Language : 459-538.
Clopper, C. G., dan Smiljanic, R. 2015. Regional variation in temporal     organization in          American English : JOURNAL OF PHONETICS :     49(1–15).

Based on the material above, could you explain to me with your own sentences. Is it possible for every people have both of regional variation and social variation in their life? Yes why? no why? Give brief explanations and clear cases as the examples.

18 komentar:

  1. Arisa Dewi Efendi (201510401776)

  2. Reni Wulansari K (201610401917) hadir

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