Williams 1
Jennifer Williams
Professor Oguine
English 1201-ZRC
15 October 2001
Importance of University Education
“There is no divide in American life that hurts more than the one between those we consider well educated and those who are poorly or inadequately schooled” (Spayde 60). According to John Spayde, author of “Learning in the Key of Life," a university education is a defining role in the well-being and success of people in today’s society. Similarly, John Henry Newman, in his essay, “The Idea of a University,” believes too that education gives “man the clear conscious view of his own opinions and judgments, a truth in developing them, an eloquence in expressing them, and force in urging them” (49), thus making him a well rounded human being. In fact, many people today agree with the ideas of these two writers, that a university education is the first step to becoming successful in one’s life. Therefore, in today’s educational system, a person has the ability to grow as a member of his or her society and culture, gain knowledge for a career in the “real world” and mature both spiritually and physically.
“’The whole world’s a classroom’” (Goethe qtd. in Spayde 58) perfectly illustrates how education must relate to society and culture, because everyday people are faced with new challenges. It is, therefore, a good education that can help them face such challenges and learn some of the most important life lessons from everyday experiences. This can happen at work, with friends or family, from a new book or an outdoor adventure. It is from these challenges that individuals find their strengths and weaknesses and grow from them. Moreover, “…Learning takes place across the span of a lifetime, not just in sixteen years of formal schooling, and that what is being learned takes root and through connections we make in contact with the ‘real world’” (Spayde 58). As one can see, the importance of one’s educational status is stressed through cultural and societal factors that determine how productive he or she is, thus making everyone’s experiences and education unique.
Similarly as Newman puts it “…that training of the intellect, which is best for the individual himself, best enables him to discharge his duties to society” (48). It is clear that people’s passion or love for areas of their specializations can help them make positive contributions to society. So, both writers stress the need to relate education to society.
Secondly, many people seek a higher university education to prepare themselves for a career. They can spend thousands of dollars in education, hoping for higher standards of living and substantial jobs to support their families. However, it is often difficult when many of those prime education years are spent on useless courses as explained by Hart (127). The most effective education, therefore, is to provide people with individual programs pertaining to their interests and careers. This is to make sure that students make right choices of their areas and specilizations and careers, because according to Goethe quoted in Spayde, “’people cannot learn what they do not love’” (62).
Another aspect of the benefits of a university education is the opportunity to mature and grow spiritually. This idea is explored by Newman (1801-90), “a well-known Anglican priest who had converted to the Roman church. . . he explains. . . how it might merge religious and secular concerns” (Lunsford 46). Newman’s basic proposal for a Catholic University is that such education is so “liberal” that throughout the time spent during one’s university experience, students are expected to “grow up." The new experiences of living on their own and being responsible for themselves gives them a whole new sense of maturity. In addition, they have the freedom to explore their own spirituality. With the plethora of subjects and classes students are surrounded by, even though they may not be able to take them all, “they will be the gainers by living among those and under those who represent the whole circle” (Newman 47).
When looking at the big picture of a university education, it is apparent the opportunities one has to gain from such an experience. Whether students gain knowledge from a classroom environment or a hands-on, real world encounter, the world is full of opportunities for to grab and learn from. The University Education system simply puts the access in the palm of someone’s hands. With that, a person is able to become a mature, successful, active member in today’s society, full of wealth and knowledge.
Works Cited
Lunsford, Andrea A. Commentary on John Henry Newman's "The Idea of a University."
The Presence of Others. Ed. Andrea A. Lunsford and John J. Ruszkiewicz.
Boston: St. Martin's, 2000. 46.
Newman, John Henry. “The Idea of a University." The Presence of Others. Ed. Andrea
A. Lundsford and John J. Ruszkiewicz. Boston: St. Martin’s, 2000. 46-50.
Spayde, Jon. “Learning in the Key of Life.” The Presence of Others. Ed. Andrea A.
Lundsford and John J. Ruszkiewicz. Boston: St. Martin’s, 2000. 58-63.
Example citation 2
Example citation 2
Gabriela Simoes
Dr. Oguine
English 1201 - ZGC
15 October 2001
University Education: A Life Long Lesson
Both John Henry Newman and Jon Spayde argue the true meaning of a University education in their works titled “The Idea of a University” and “Learning in the Key of Life.” Newman defines a truly effective education as a liberal one. He believes that “The University’s art is the art of social life, and its end is fitness for the world” (47). Similar to Newman’s belief that a well-rounded education is necessary, Spayde also agrees that “Humanities are the foundation for getting along in the world, for thinking and for learning to reflect on the world instead of just simply reacting to current events” (60). It is certain, therefore, that a university education cannot be solely based on an academic concentration, but also has to offer the skills needed to produce well-rounded and diverse individuals in society. Hence a university education is essential to provide people with not only the professional, but also the spiritual, and social skills needed to live a successful life.
Any person who wants to be successful in life has to have a strong academic background, consisting of a certain specialization. A university is an institution that
allows people to make such choices and develop their skills towards careers involving
such majors. The advantage of this type of specialized system is the unique skill in that
particular field a person learns and develops. Such refined qualities needed to be
comfortable in a career allow one to be much more productive than someone who is not educated within a university. In addition, these skills boost one’s status on finding a highly paying professional job. Therefore a University education provides an individual with the knowledge and professional skills needed to find a better job or a more respectable career.
Given that professional skills are only a part of a true education, a university should be responsible for setting moral and ethical standards through a liberal education that offers the spiritual skills essential to life. According to Newman “A specialty school cultivates your mind in a certain way, but deprives you in others” (47). He argues that by focusing solely on the academic aspect of a university, people are being robbed of the strong spiritual attachment and willingness to uphold morality. This privilege to taste the different areas of knowledge at a university allows students to formulate their own opinion for what it is that they want to do with their lives. So, a liberal education helps to develop a love for a certain specialization, and the morality that pushes people to uphold what is right in order to succeed in whatever they have chosen as their careers.
Both the spirit to succeed and professional skills are crucial in life, but without the ability to socially interact, a person cannot truly survive on his/her own. Spayde expresses the necessity for a liberal education by stating, “Humanities are the foundation for getting along in the world” ( 60). Therefore, a university that offers a liberal education is molding the citizens of the next generation. Without the skills to interact, solve problems, and socialize, a person will be lost in the world. The knowledge of a particular subject is essential, but to share it with others is equally imperative. However, if individuals are unable to converse effectively, or work out a problem maturely, then their ability to survive in the so-called “real world” is running low. In fact, “A truly good education may well be one carpentered out of the best combination we can make out of school, reading, online exploration, walking in the streets and friendship” (Spayde 58). So, it is correct to say that the university that is able to efficiently mold the social skills of an individual is supplying that person with the capability to be very successful in life.
Finally, a university education, in order to be effective, is not one that offers only the specialized skills to succeed in one branch of knowledge. A true edification consists of not only the facts, but also the spiritual attachment to them, and the ability to interact and work around them. Therefore a well-educated individual holds not only the professional but also the spiritual and social skills needed in life.
Works Cited
Newman, Henry. “The Idea of a University.” The Presence of Others. 3rd ed. Ed.
Andrea A. Lunsford and John J. Ruszkiewicz. New York: St. Martin’s, 2000.
Spayde, Jon. “Learning in the Key of Life.” The Presence of Others. 3rd ed. Ed. Andrea
A. Lunsford and John J. Ruszkiewicz. New York: St. Martin’s, 2000. 58-63.
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