
Senin, 19 Oktober 2020


 Makalah Kelompok 5

PPT kelompok 5


1. compound word

 Compound word is a combination of words that become a compound word so that it has a new meaning, if in a word it is separated, it will not have the same meaning or have a different meaning.  In this compound word, it has several kinds, namely space or open compound word, closed or solid compound word and hyphenated compound word.  Of the three types of compound words, we can see the difference through the way they are written in a compound word.

 a.  space or open compound word

 space or open compound is a compound word in which in writing a separate word, open compound word is a combination of nouns and adjectives which will form a new word or have a new meaning.

 example: living room, school bus, high school, human rights, real estate

 b.  closed or solid compound word

 closed or compound word is a combination of a word which in writing it is combined into one or not separately so that it will have a new meaning and basically this closed compound word only consists of two words.

 example: notebook, bookstore, fireman, football, volleyball, bodyguard


 c.  hyphenated compound word

 This hyphenated compound word is a word combining in which the writing or combination of words has a hyphen like "-" so that it becomes a new meaning, basically in this hyphenated compound word consists of two or more words.

 Example: sister-in-low, brother-in-low, up-to-date, non-toxic, one-way, warm-up

 However, in this hyphenated compound word it can also change depending on its placement, if this hyphenated functions to modify a noun, it will change position, then the hyphen is replaced with a space.


 up-to-date to be up to date

 warm-up becomes warm-up

 sister-in-low becomes sister in law

 In compound words this is not always in the form of a combination of noun + noun, there are several forms of combination of compound words such as:

 Noun + noun

 raincoat, chairman, classroom

 Noun + verb

 proofread, sunset, heart-warming

 Verb + noun

 dining room, swimming pool, home made

 Verb + verb

 cross-check, caregiving, copywraiting, hide-and-seek

 Adjective + noun

 blackboard, slow motion, on-site, grandmother

 Adjective + verb

 dry-cleaning, right-click, best buy, soft sell

 2. Blends or blending words

 Blends or blending words is a word formation process that will produce new words where the word is formed from a combination of two or more words, where the meaning of the new word is a combination of the meanings or meanings of the original words.


 - advertisement + intertainment = advertainment

 - biographical + picture = biopic

 - guess + estimate = guesstimate

 - breakfast + lunch = brunch

 - chuckle + snort = chortle

 - cybernetic + organism = cyborg

 - spoon + fork = spork

 So that we can see the meaning of blends or blending words from some of the examples above so that at the basis of this blends word is a combination of two words where the meaning of the word is a combination of the meaning or meaning of the original words.  Not only that, in blending words, there are several formation or combination methods that can be used, such as:

 a.  combining words from the beginning and end of the original word


 - breakfast and lunch that becomes brunch

 - a spoon and fork that becomes a spork

 - telephone and marathon which became telethon

 b.  combining the initial words of the two words


 - biographical and picture becomes biopic

 - Cybernetics and organisms become cyborgs

 - hazardous and material becomes hazmat

 c.  a word that can be combined based on how often or not the pronunciation of the words is used and it sounds good to say


 - California and fornication into californication

 - Spanish and English become Spanglish

 - motorbikes and hotels become motels

 d.  Blending words can also be used from various sounds from the parts of the two words, but still pay attention to the beauty of the pronunciation of the word to be formed.  In this type of blending word, it is commonly used in public languages ​​which tend to be spelled spontaneously


 - lithe and slimy to be slithy

 - chuckle and snort become chortles

 The most important thing that deserves attention when we use blending words is the lexical selection or word selection by the speaker based on the meaning of the word.  Blending word errors generally do not lie in the pronunciation of the sound or the process of forming words but the meaning of the same word so that when we are going to form a word, you should pay attention to the meaning in the word so as not to make it difficult when communicating both written and spoken

 3. Phrasal word

 Phrasal word is a combination of a word from a verb with a particle, this particle can be in the form of a preposition or adverb which will make the word a new meaning or a new meaning.  Particles that we commonly use are in, on, down, up, off, out, far, away, and into.  Example: get on, get off, act on, act out, add up, argue down, ask in and others.  There are several types of phrasal words, such as:

 a.  intransitive which means it cannot be followed by an object


 - it was raining heavily when the plane took off (take off)

 - he suddenly showed up (show up)

 b.  transitive which means that objects can be followed


 - I think he made up the story

 make up which means composing, the object is the story

 - I reminded him to pick up the children quickly

 pick up which means to pick up, the object is the children

 c.  separable means that the object can be placed between a verb and a particle


 - she looked up the words in the dictionary, or

   she looked the words up in the dictionary

 - I have to pick up my grandfather in the airport, or

   I have to pick my grandfather up in the airport

 It should be noted in this separable that if the object is a personal pronoun like me, him, us and the like, then we cannot put it after the preposition.

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