
Minggu, 20 Februari 2022


Prerequisite Subject    :
Subject Description     : This subject discusses one of the English skills and the skill constituents the last one that must be mastered by the students of English Education. Together with other subjects, i.e. writing II, writing III and writing IV, writing I enables the students to master any types of text. This subject covers the application of punctuation, spelling, capitalization, and grammatically correct sentences in any types of text.
Competence Standard            : Students are expected to comprehend sentences in functional and genre-based text.

a.  Silahkan periksa daftar hadir dan daftar nilai anda secara berkala. Waktu untuk melakukan perbaikan atas kesalahan input data hanya dalam 1 minggu (silahkan menyampaikannya pada group kelas). Setelah 1 minggu, maka tridak di layani. 
b.  Mohon maaf nilai tes yang saya ambil adalah tes yang waktunya paling sesuai dengan jam permainan game. Hal ini saya lakukan, karena beberapa mahasiswa mencoba menjawab beberapa kali dalam game tersebut.
c. Untuk minggu selanjutnya, mohon di perhatikan. absen hanya 1 kali. Jika saya menemukan absen lebih dari 1 kali, maka saya anggap anda tidak hadir. 


1. PENGENALAN KELAS ( 22 feb 2022)

     Pre Test  : Please, create your own paragraph. 
1. It should be consist of one paragraph, and stand on 6-8 sentences.
2. Submit it toward GCR

Meeting 2 ( March 2022)

1. Please watch the video above, about "PUNCTUATION, SPELLING AND CAPITALIZAION"
2. Please make summary what you get from the video.
3. Based on this materials, please create your own 10 sentences with theme "your activity in STKIP PGRI Nganjuk" Type it in MS. Word and send it in GCR

Meeting 3 ( 8 March 2022)
simple sentence
a. Do not forget fill your attendance list
b. Please watch the video about simple sentence.
c. Make summary based on the video, then submit it in GCR
d. In the end of the video, you will get assignments please do it and submit in GCR too

note: most of the students who did plagiarism the sentence. as I told you, you should create your own sentence, but most of you searching the sentence and take it from the internet...
 Please check your attendance list here   
your score check here
the best answer ( note: sentence compound verb, number 1 wrong. it was compound sentence, not compound verb)

Meeting 4 ( 15 March 2022)
simple and compound sentence

a. Do not forget fill your attendance list
b. Please watch the video about simple sentence.
c. Make summary based on the video, then submit it in GCR
d. Based o n the video, please create your own sentences about your hobby (10 sentence in compound sentence)

Meeting 5 ( 22 March 2022)

Activities : 
-.Do not forget fill up your attendance list.
- Please download your assignment ( Practice compound Sentence)
- Submit it in GCR

Meeting 6 ( 29 March 2022)

complex sentence

a. Do not forget fill your attendance list
b. Please watch the video about simple sentence.
c. Make summary based on the video, then submit it in GCR
a. Do not forget fill your attendance list
b. Please follow this link download the complex test
c.  then submit it in GCR

Please check your attendance list here

Please check  your score here. ( The students, who get 20, means all of you doing plgiarism)

Meeting 8 (April 19, 2022)- UTS
- Please create your own paragraph about planning for the next Eid Mubarak.
- It should be based on 5 sentences simple sentences, 5 sentences compound sentence, and 5 sentences complex sentences.
- Using difference sign for each types of sentences. Yu could used underline, highlight, or others.
- submit it  in GCR

Meeting 9 (April 26, 2022)- Compound Complex Sentence

a. Do not forget fill your attendance list
b. Please watch the video about compound complex sentence
c. Make summary based on the video, then submit it in GCR

Meeting 10 (May 17, 2022)- Compound Complex Sentence Test
a. Please create your own sentence (10 Sentences)  about Saturday Night in Nganjuk Town Squair.
b. Each sentence should be more than 10 words. 
c. Submit in GCR

Meeting 11 (2 May 2022)
Please download your assignment here
and please submit in GCR

Meeting 12-15 (31 May 2022) - big assignment 
- Please create your own paragraph about your self...
- Describe your physical appearance with detail information.
- It should be more than 250 words .
- Make it in Document Word 2003-2007.
- Before you submit in GCR, please check the plagiarism toward  this link. ( do not forget downloads the result in pdf file)

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