
Minggu, 20 Februari 2022


Mata kuliah English For Specific Purposes (ESP) PPKn ini memiliki tujuan untuk menstimulasi mahasiswa tentang pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris sesuai kebutuhan mahasisa. Materi yang disajikan memiliki kontribusi positif dalam pembelajaran PPKn baik dari kemampuan berbicara (speaking), menulis (writing), membaca (reading) ataupun mendengar (listening).


    a. MATH
    b. CIVICs
     a. MATH
    b. CIVICs

a.  Silahkan periksa daftar hadir dan daftar nilai anda secara berkala. Waktu untuk melakukan perbaikan atas kesalahan input data hanya dalam 1 minggu (silahkan menyampaikannya pada group kelas). Setelah 1 minggu, maka tridak di layani. 
b.  Mohon maaf nilai tes yang saya ambil adalah tes yang waktunya paling sesuai dengan jam permainan game. Hal ini saya lakukan, karena beberapa mahasiswa mencoba menjawab beberapa kali dalam game tersebut.
c. Untuk minggu selanjutnya, mohon di perhatikan. absen hanya 1 kali. Jika saya menemukan absen lebih dari 1 kali, maka saya anggap anda tidak hadir. 



     Self Introduction (Jika anda menggunakan Hp, silahkan untuk melkukan setting dengan "view as desktop", agar anda dapat melihat materi dalam video.

activity : please watch the video related to self introduction, then please create your own interesting video introduction with one take (no edit).  Then, submit it into GCR...

please check your attendance list here, math department and CIVICS
please check your score here, math department and CIVICS.

2. Meeting 2 (Listening practice)

- Please watch the video above, then try to write what the speaker say in Ms Word.
- Next, answer all the questions based on the monolog text.
- Then, submit it in GCR

3. Meeting 3  (9 March 2022) grammar part

positive, comparative and superlative (degree of comparison)

- Please watch the video above, then make the summary based on the video above
- Please create your own sentence about 5 positive degree, 5 comparative degree and  5 superlative degree.
- Then, submit it in GCR

3. Meeting 4  (9 March 2022)   present tense
present tense

- Please watch the video above, then make the summary based on the video above
- Please create your own sentence about 5 simple present, 5 present continous and  5 present perfect.
- Then, submit it in GCR

Meeting 5  (23 March 2022)   present tense
past tense

- Please watch the video above, then make the summary based on the video above.
- Please doing assignment which has been create toward the video.
- Then, submit it in GCR.

Please check your attendance list here

Please check  your score here

The Best  summary 

Meeting 6 (30 March, 2022)

- Please fill your attendance list first,

- Today we are going to have a test about Present and Past toward QUIZIZ

- Please follow the instructions in WA Group.

Please check your attendance list here

Please check  your score here

Meeting 7 (April 6, 2022) - READING MATERIAL

- Please fill your attendance list first,

- Today we are going study English in Reading, please downloads document here

- Please submit your test in GCR

Please check your attendance list here

Please check  your score here

Meeting 8 (April 13, 2022) - Speaking Material
- Please choose one one your fav song in English. Then, let's sing a song.😀
- Next, record your voice when your sing a song toward your phone. then submit it in GCR  maximum 3 minutes just your voice)

Please check your attendance list here

Please check  your score here

Meeting  9 (UTS)

- Please fill your attendance list first,

- Today we are going to have a test about Present and Past toward QUIZIZ

- Please follow the instructions in WA Group.

Meeting 10 (27 April 2022)

Passive Sentence

- Please watch the video above, then make the summary based on the video above.
- Then, submit it in GCR.

Note: sorry, you cannot see your score at the moment, Insha'Allah after Lebaran, you rill see your score. thx.

 Meeting 11 (11 May 2022)
Our material in writing I today is PASSIVE SENTENCES. You had been learn about passive  yesterday. then based on your understanding, could you please create something about passive sentence?
1. what is passive sentences?
2. Please create your own sentences in passive sentences  (present, present progressive, present perfect, past, past progressive, past perfect, future, be going to and future perfect). the theme of sentences is "Ramadhan ya Kareem"

Meeting  12 (18 May 2022)
- Please downloads your assignment (here)
- Type your answer on this paper.
- Please submit your answer in GCR

Meeting  13 (25 May 2022)
- Please downloads your assignment (here)
- Type your answer on this paper.
- Please submit your answer in GCR

Meeting 14-15 (8 June 2022) - big assignment

procedure text explanation

example procedure text " how to make food"

example procedure text " how to make something - origami"

example procedure text " how to use something - google translate"

- Based n the video above, please create your own Procedure text.
- Do note forget follow the role:
a. Please mention your complete name
b. Please introduce what  do you want to do
c. Create your video min 3 minutes and max 8 minutes.
d. Please using video with louder voice and NO BACK SOUND
e. file name  NIM_ COMPLETE NAME
F. Please submit your video toward this link 
g. After upload in google drive, please open GCR and sent again the link video which has been upload in google drive

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