
Selasa, 25 Mei 2021



Course Description

This subject discusses one of the English skills and the skill constituents the last one that must be mastered by the students of English Education. Together with other subjects, i.e. writing II, writing III and writing IV, writing I enables the students to master any types of text. This subject covers the application of create good text (introductory, body, and concluding paragraphs), develop paragraph by Chronological order, Logical division of ideas, Cause and effect order, and Comparison and contrast order. Next, the students able to create their paraphrasing, citation and reference (citation and reference trough medley) 

Goal of the Study:

By the end of the course, students are expected to obtain sufficient understanding on the concepts and practices of Academic Writing, they will be able to create good background of thesis.

1. Academic Writing Syllabus

    Buku Panduan

2. Link kelas GCR

3. ABSEN (Pengisian absen hanya berlaku paa jam pembelajaran).  absen hanya 1 kali, untuk melihat apakah absen yang anda isi berhasil terinput oleh sistem atau tidak,      anda dapat memeiksanya melalui link berikut ini  ABSENYANG DIISI MAHASISWA PADA GOOGLE FORM

4. Peraturan Kelas 

Materi Pembelajaran

1. Pengenalan kelas ( 25 Feb 2021)

       NOTE: Silahkan periksa daftar hadir dan daftar nilai anda secara berkala. Waktu untuk melakukan perbaikan atas kesalahan input data hanya dalam 1 minggu (silahkan menyampaikannya pada group kelas). Setelah 1 minggu, maka tridak di layani. 

2. Theory Academic Writing. How to create background of research (04 MARET 2021)

               After watching this video (15 minutes later), please answer the question toward the GCR. 

            Students' attendance List 2-5 March 2021 

            Students' Score 

           3. Reading for Writing. (March 18, 2021)

 In academic writing, we should know the newest educational information's through article and journal. because of that please watch the video

Based on the video above, please follow these instructions :

a. Please looking for 15 article related your title. And for additional score, please also find from the mass media or social media. (if you find the information from mass media or social media which support your research, you will get additional score)

b. Read those articles which one related to your title and could support your research.

c. Give the highlight  for important information'  (as the example bellow)

  d. Please Submit those articles in one folder (in rar) and submit in GCR.

e. The next week we are going  start to build  the background knowledge. It should be based the information which you read before.

 Students' attendance List

 Students' Score 

  3. Writing ESSAY:  DESCRIPTIVE ESAY. (March 25, 2021)

     NOTE; Please doing your assignment in Ms Word

      a.  Template for doing this assignment had been sent in your GCR. (if it does not work, please click this link)

      b. Do not try copy paste your  because, this assignment will be used again for the next meeting.

 Students' attendance List

 Students' Score 

review descriptive essay Check your assignment. I had been reviewed it

4-6. CITATION (1 APRIL- 8 APRIL 2021)

 Students' attendance List

 Students' Score

Based on the video and material which had been learnt about citation, please designed citation to support your research (at least 1 citation in every paragraph. If you could create more than 8, I will give you maximum score 99), with several role.

1. Please used your last week assignment (about essay text). You should  review your essay if I give note in your assignment (last week). 

2. Please give "text highlight color-green" toward the article or journal which has been your cite and Screen Shoot full page (one page full) . Then,  put it in your assignment (tempelkan hasilnya di tugas anda, yakni pada halaman setelah paragraph essay).

 Students' attendance List

 Students' Score (available next week)

7-8. Compare n contrast essay (15 - 20 April 2021)

 Please looking for the information toward the internet what is compare n contrast essay?

Then, please find out the systematic how to write compare and contrast essay! 

or you could follow this link to know more information about our material.

   Students' attendance List

   Students' Score 

9. ASSIGMENT  Compare n contrast essay (May 6, 2021)

   Based on material 15-20 APRIL about COMPARE AND CONTRAST ESSAY, please give additional information about it in your paper. So, please follow the the following rules:

1. silahkan menggunakan tugas terakhir yang telah saya revisi.

  Silahkan dilihat hasil reviewed ysitasi dan paragraf deskripsi yang telah anda buat

  students reviewed about citation and descriptive text 

2. Jika sitasi dan descriptive anda terdapat "note" untuk di revisi, silahkan melakukan revisi tersebut terlebih dahulu.

3. Setelah itu, silahkan berikan membuat kalimat "compare atau contrast essay" dalam bentuk sitasi minimal 1 dan maksimal 2 yang berasal dari arikel/jurnal. berikalah  "highlight yellow" pada kalimat/paragraf yang anda sitasi

    Students' attendance List

   Students' Score

  Result The latest Assignment 

10. Revisi Paragraph Compare dan Contrast (27 MAy 2021)


- Silahkan di cek hasil Review Tugasnya masing-masing. dan silahkan di revisi berdasarkan klue yang sudah sy berikan

- Hasil Review paragraf compare dan contrast sudah saya rangkum dalam video berikut ini. Anda juga dapat membandingkan tugas anda dan teman2 yang lain (fungsi sebagai bahan untuk mengoreksi tugas anda)

- Contoh Paragraf Compare yang baik , juga sudah saya upload melalui video di atas.

note: Mohon jangan hanya sekedar mengumpulkan, karena tugas anda selalu saya koreksi.

11. CARA MEMBUAT DAFTAR PUSTAKA menggunakan  "APA ( American Psycological Association). " (June 3, 2021) 

  - Anda bisa membaca sumber pembelajaran lainnya, bagaimana membuat daftar pustaka yang baik dan benar.  Atau anda bisa mempelajarinya melalui link berikut 

- Berdasarkan dari apa yang anda baca,  buatlah ringkasan berupa video singkat (tidak lebih dari 1 menit) tentang cara membuat daftar pustaka dan contohnya.

- Silahkan mengumpulkan pada GCR

  Students' attendance List

   Students' Score 

12. Reference (June 10 , 2021) 

   Based on your Background study which you had been create (meeting 10), please make your own  

   "REFERENCE", then Submit it in GCR

   Students' attendance List

   Students' Score 

   Good Answer

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