
Minggu, 13 Desember 2020



1.        Berdasarkan pembelajaran yang telah anda ikuti dalam semester ini, silahkan anda beri penjabaran tentang perbedaan Pendidikan Ilmu Sosial dan Studi Sosial!

2.        Dalam mempelajari Studi sosial, kita telah mempelajari hakikat-hakikat yang perlu di perhatikan. Sebutkan dan jelaskanlah terkait hal tersebut!

3.        Dalam rentang waktu januari 2020 sampai dnegan Akhir Sedember 2020, Indonesia mengalami banyak permasalahan sosial. Menurut anda, apakah permasalahan sosial yang menjadi banyak sorotan masyarakat ? Jelaskan !

4.        Berikut ini adalah beberapa hal viral yang dilakukan oleh REMAJA

·      Pembuatan Konten Youtube Negative & Prank "Demi Menjadi Viral"

·      Tiktok

·      Sosial Status (Geng Motor/Sosialita/Bikers Dll)

·      Instagram (Narsis, Foto Di Kereta Api, Foto Di Tempat -Tempt Berbahaya Agar Dapat Menambah Follower)

Melalui 4 tema di atas, silahkan:

a.       pilihlah salah satu tema yang anda minati

b.      Berikanlah informasi detail terkait hal diatas mulai dari

·        Pengertian, dan pendapat anda terkait tema yang anda pilih

·        Alasan mengapa mereka melakukan hal demikian,

·        Dampak negative yang timbul,

·        Contoh nyata 5 dampak negarive yang timbul (dapat di temukan pada media masa, elektronik, berita dan sebagaimnya)

·        Solusi untuk penyelesaian permasalahan remaja



  1. Pendidikan Pancasila merupakan idologi negara kita dan hal ini wajib kita pahami dan dapat kita aplikasikan dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Dengan hal ini, bagaimanakah menurut anda pembelajaran Pendidikan Pancasila? Apakah manfaat pembelajaran Pendidikan Pancasila dalam kehidupan anda? Berikanlah contohnya!
  2. Pajak adalah sesuatu yang wajib kita bayar sebagai perwujudan warga negara yang baik. Hal ini dikarenakan pajak digunakan dari kita, oleh kita dan untuk kita. Berdasarkan hal ini dapatkan anda menceritakan proses fungsional pajak mulai dari pemungutan pajak sampai dengan hasilnya?
  3. “HUKUM TUMPUL KEATAS DAN TAJAM KEBAWAH” bagaimanakah menurut anda istilah unik diatas jika dikaitkan dengan REALITA dan PANCASILA? Mengapa hal itu bisa terjadi? Jelaskan!
  4. Sedari kecil kita sering kali mendengar dan mempelajari UUD 45 yang dijadikan sebgai sumber hukum dan perundang-undangan di Indonesia. Menurut anda apakah isi UUD 45 dapat diganti? Jelaskan




1.             Ilmu pendidikan sosial merupakan penyederhanaan dari berbagai jenis disiplin Ilmu Sosial dan Humaniora yang bertujuan untuk mengedukasi mahasiswa pada aspek sosial. Menurut pemahaman anda, Sebutkan dan jelaskanlah seberapa pentingnya Ilmu pendidiakn Sosial dalam kehidupan anda!

2.             Dalam proses pembelajaran yang telah anda jalani, ada begit banyak jenis-jenis disiplin Ilmu Sosial yang telah pelajari. Berdasarka hal ini, sebutkankanlah jenis-jenis disiplin Ilmu Sosial yang telah anda pelajari dan jelakanlah manfaatnya!

3.             Masing-masing disiplin Ilmu Sosial memiliki pengertian dan peranan yang erbeda-beda. Menurut pendapat anda, meskipun masing-masing disiplin Ilmu Pendidikan Sosial memiliki berbeda, dapatkah mereka bersingkronisasi ?dalam memecahkan permasalahan sosial? Jelaskan dan berikan contoh kasus!

4.             Melihat permasalahan Indonesia pada saat ini, yakni berkaitan dengan kasus COVID-19 dan juga salah satu Ulama yang sempat merahasiakan hasil Periksaan dirinya, menjadi salah satu sorotan yang tajam dalam media masa. Jika kita amati, kasus tersebut apakahhanya terfokus pada satu disiplin Ilmu sosial? Jelaskan!



1.        Seorang guru harus mengetahui empat hal dasar dalam melakukan proses evaluasi hasil pembelajaran, yakni TES, PENGUKURAN, PENILAIAN, dan EVALUASI. Berdasakan hal tersebut, silahkan anda berikan penjelasan dan berikan contoh sebuat kasus proses pemberian tes, pengukuran, penilaian dan evaluasi !

2.        Dalam pembuatan kisi-kisi soal Pilihan Ganda, Isian,dan Uraian guru tidak serta merta membuat kisi-kisi sesuka hati, tetapi harus berdasarkan hal-hal berikut, yakni : Setiap golongan soal wajib terdiri atas soal mudah, sedang dan sulit, banyak soal dan bobot soaljuga harus diperhatikan. Berdasarkan hal ini, silahkan menjawab beberapa soal berikut:

a.        Bagaimanakah cara membuat soal mudah, sedang dan sulit? Apakah yang menjadi acuan dalam pembuatan golongan soal? 

b.      Buatlah 10 kisi-kisi soal Uraian Bebas. Kisi-kisi tersebut wajib terdiri dari soal mudah, sedang dan sulit!

c.       Dari kisi-kisi soal tersebut, kebangkanlah menjadi butir soal mudah, sedang dan sulit!

d.      Berdasarkan hal diatas, silahkan kembangkan menjadi

e.       Silahkan untuk membuat rubrik penilaian dari kisi-kisi soal dan butir-butir soal di atas.



I.                   Let’s describe your critical thinking

a.       What is morhemes and give 5 examples!

b.      Please explain what word, sentences and dictionary, is then give 5 examples!

c.       What do you know about free morphemes, bound morphemes and allomorph? Give 5 examples!

d.      What is compound, bends and acronym? Give 5 examples!

e.       What do you knowl about words, phrase, clause and sentences? Give 5 examples!

f.       Please write all the form of basic structure, and then give examples!

II.                Please explain in spesific information (explanation and clearly samples) about the differences these wors!

1.      Morpheme Vs. Syntax

2.      Allomorphs Vs. Syllable.

3.      Free morpheme Vs. Bound Morpheme.

4.      Lexical Morpheme Vs. Functional Morphem/Grammatical Morpheme.

5.      Derivasional Morpheme Vs. Inflectional Morpheme

6.      Complex word Vs Compound word

7.      Blend Vs. Acronym


III.             Use your critical thinking by identifying the words bellow based on their place!

Book : free morpheme, lexical morphemes

Kingdom :

books :

 Activete :

-ness :

The most handsome:

 a :

In :

Sunk :

Written :

Larger :

 Mice :

Men :

Un- :

Avaiable :



IV.             Lets sharp your brain by giving your statement based on the case bellow:

1.      Can a free morpheme be more than one syllable in in-length? Yes/No why? Give the simple example.

2.      Can a bound morpheme be more thna one syllabe in length? Yes/No why? Give the simple example.

V.                Elaborate your knowledge by drawing the SYNTAX constituent of the sentences bellow

1.      It was a dark and still night.

2.      People with boxes of the clothes line up at the door of the English Centre building.

3.      They judge themselves to be important and you proved that to be true.

4.      The beautiful girl saw the man with his book.

5.      The children put the toy in the box and they play under the tree.



Rabu, 02 Desember 2020








1.1 Background of the paper

            We have studied from word to phrase and phrase into larger phrase. Now we turn to constructs, relatively common patterns that repeat themselves in certain languages. Since words, phrases, clauses, and sentences are all constructed from smaller units according to a certain pattern into larger ones, the concept of construction is relevant to all areas of grammar. though obviously not all, words are constructed from small pieces of plane consisting of a single stem.

beforehand, we will discuss what is syntax first.


 Before we continue to cover syntax construction. the meaning of syntax is In linguistics, the word syntax comes from Greek which is a combination of syn words which means "together", and the word taxis which means "series", "sequence". So syntax is one of the branches of linguistics that studies the rules that determine how words form phrases and phrases form sentences. Etymologically, the syntax term is putting together words into groups of words or sentences and groups of words into sentences. It examines how sentences are formed and language users use a special variation that allows forming elements in sentences. In syntax, there are several parts of the sentence structure that the writer will explain, namely subject, verb, object, complement and adverb. There are two parts to sentences that are very important in analyzing syntax, namely: phrases and clauses. So in this paper we will discuss more about syntax constructions which we will explain in detail in the following discussion.



1. What is Constructions ?

            2. What is Types of  Constructions ?

            3. What is Tree Diagram of Syntax ?



1. Knowing the meaning of Syntax Constructions.

2. Knowing the types of Syntax Constructions.

3. Knowing the tree diagrams of syntax.






            The syntax term is putting together words into groups of words or sentences and groups of words into sentences. The syntax Constructions is a grammatical construction that only has free form as a direct constituent and doesn’t have formal characteristics that identify it as a compound.

            Example : - He went to beach

                 - She bought a book



One of the common ways to create a visual represantion of syntax structure is through tree diagrams, Symbols (Art  = article, N = noun, NP = noun phrase) are used to label the parts of the tree.

 Compilation of the syntax diagram based on its characteristics (syntax category) :

1.      Word class (part of speech)

 Determine (det), adjective (adj), noun (n), pronoun (pro), preposition (p), adverb (adv), auxiliary (aux), verb (v).

2.      Phrase structure grammar

The arrangment pattern includes Noun phrase (NP), Adjective phrase (AdjP), Verb phrase (VP), Adverb phrase (AdvP), Preposition phrase (PP).


And there are 5 grammatical phrases in tree analysis of syntax diagrams :

1.      Noun phrase

A set of words / phrases that modify nouns.

e.g : The young man swept the floor.

2.      Adjetive Phrase

Phrases that give a detailed description of the noun. Phrases consist of adverbs and adjectives.

e.g : He is very lazy

3.      Verb Phrase

The phrase that is formed has at least one main verb supported by a binding / complementary verb.

e.g : Lia studied English Grammar

4.      Adverb Phrase

Phrases that play a role in explaining the explanation of the time (when), the reason (why), the description of the place (where), and how something happened (how).

e.g : We are going to go to Jakarta next month.

5.      Preposition Phrase

Phrases that act as prepositions and affixes.

e.g : I am from Nganjuk.


List of symbols used in the tree diagram below :

S = Sentence, NP = Noun Phrase, PN = Proper noun

N = Noun, VP = Verb phrase, Adv = Adverb

V = Verb, Adj = Adjective, Prep = Preposition

Art = Article, Pro = Pronoun, PP = Prepositional phrase


            We focus here on construction within the clause. Two important ideas in our discussion. The first is that we can recognize basic clauses and more complex clauses and can know the relationship between them. That is, constructs are not isolated structures but are suitable for use in multiple language networks. The second idea is that different constructs exist, or have been created by speakers and writers of certain languages, to allow speakers and writers to signal what they are doing with a particular speech. The relationship between the different constructs and the different actions performed by speaker and writer is also central to the discussion of meaning in a sentence.

            For the example :

1.      a. A beautiful girl jumped from the second floor of her house

b. Did a beautful girl jump from the second floor of her house ?

The two examples of the past tense, which overcomes at jump 1a and are done in 1b. The two examples differ in that 1a is done at the beginning of the clause while 1b is not. in example 1a it is used to state or state that the event happened, while example 1b is used to ask whether the event really happened.

            Example 1a is a derivative of the declarative construction (reflects the idea that the speaker or writer is stating something as a case)

in example (b) is an example of an interrogative construction, used by the speaker who wants to ask if the event happened, that is, the speaker who wants to interrogate the person or person they are targeting (their recipient). Another interrogative construct is used when the speaker is aware that a certain type of event occurred but is not about the identity of one or more participants. There is another axample for active declarative :

-          The pretty girl bought that dress for her dance party.

And there is example for passive declarative :

-          That dress was bought for her dance party by the pretty girl.

For short passive because it doesn’t have a phrase referring to the agent. An axample : -  That dress was bought for her dance party.

There is also for long passvive :

-          That dress wes bought for her dance party by the pretty girl. (np) agent.

Why is it called long passive ? because it containts an agent noun phrase. In contrast, active clauses take as their starting point the participant who carries out an action, who is active in a given situation.



These constructions are divided into : Declarative, that is they can have a structure that is used to make statements,  Declarative can be both of passive and active . And that is Interrogative, that is they can have a structure by which to ask questions.

 Interrogative constructs are divided into two types it is : Interrogative yes-no is used to ask questions. such as example : Did he call ? the answer is yes or no.

 And WH interrogative is used to ask questions about participants in the situation : Who is calling ?, When did he call ?, What did he say ?, Where was he when he called ?.

In declarative constructions, the verb can be followed by a noun phrase and a prepositional phrase, it is also can be both of passive such as : The guitar was bought for Jane by Budi, In declarative constructions, the verb can be followed by a noun phrase and a prepositional phrase also two noun phrase. and active such as : Frank bought the guitar(np) for Jane(pp). And then Interrogative constructions can be active, as : Did Budi buy the guitar for Jane ?. Or passive, as : Did Budi buy Jane(np) the guitar(pp) ?.




            syntax constructions relate that each of the above constructs share a certain property with some other constructs, the other is that it is possible to determine the relationship between constructs. The constructions are divided into two main classes, Declarative Construction and Interogative Construction it is generally accepted that the active Declarative Construction is basic. This is the most frequent type of construction in the English language, because most speakers make statements, even statements about agents, and it allows for various modifications. For the example is : Budi had been buying the guitar for Jane.


in the declarative and interrogative examples are intertwined. so speakers and listeners must already know like when giving statements and statements.

 eg 1. Budi bought something for jane

      2. did Budi buy something for jane?

      3. What did Budi buy for Jane?

have in common, the occurrence of the auxiliary verb before the subject Budi. It also captures the fact that in syntactic terms, because not only is there an auxiliary verb that precedes the subject Budi but also what the WH pronoun contains.



            In this section, the construction is divided into copula and non copula, then each is divided into declarative and interrogative. as in the example: whether the guitar purchased for Jane by Budi should contain was, but the analysis shows whether it is treated as a separate copula word or whether given is treated as a form of passive gift. Passive as non-copula because a number of constituents can occur in a passive that is usually excluded from the copula clause, for example an adverb like immediately. 'Copula' is the Latin word for 'link, connection'. The motivation for the different labels is due to constructs: Copula constructs:

 A. NP Copula AP Eka is very sad.

                                (copula, ascriptive)

 b. NP Copula NP Eka is the best student.

                                            (copula, equative)

c. NP Copula PP Eka is located in Tanggerang.

                                              (copula, locative)

and in Latin, it does not describe a situation where a participant takes an action, perhaps to another person or object. On the other hand, the verb simply connects the subject's noun phrase with another phrase, in this case the adjective phrase very sad (a), the best student (b) and the prepositional phrase in Tanggerang (c).


The copula construct displays a number of oddities compared to the transitive (deep) construct. Example (a - c) cannot be made passive, and at least according to standard written English handbooks, pronouns that complement the copula in the 'nominative' form : It was I / he / she. Is can be moved to the front of the clause to make an interrogative :

-  Is Fiona the best student? In this case, has similarity been used on several types :  Is Lita a bicycle? But combined with the do for emphasis

 - Lita does own a bicycle - and also in the interrogation

-  Does Lita own a bicycle? Be not combined with do (at least, not in standard English, both spoken and written) : Lita is indeed the best student,

-  Is Lita the best student? What is implied in the preceding paragraph is the fact that the copula clause can be declarative or interrogative, and can be an interrogative YES - NO or WH - Is she coming to the party? vs Who comes to the party? Unlike non-copula clauses, copula clauses cannot be passive and have no multiple objects, although they can have slanted objects like in this Pack for Sarah. The complement of be is not usually treated as a direct object but is simply called a complement. And as (a)  and  (c) show, be is regularly supplemented by a prepositional adjective or phrase.



We study about Syntax we also must know about the tree diagrams. And understood about part of speech that is characteristics of syntax, phrases combine to produce clause and combine in different orders. Some clauses have special markers such as do, does, did for YES–NO INTERROGATIVES or conjunctions such as although, if and that. The above differences are said to reflect different constructions; phrases are constructed or put together in different ways to enable speakers and writers to signal differences in meaning. The various syntactic constructions in a given language form a system; one task of syntactic analysis is to work out and state how the constructions are interconnected.



An Introduction to English Syntax


Merriem Webster, Syntatic Constructions.


Setiawati,ning (2020) . Linguistic: Understanding Syntax and Explanation and Examples

https://www.ilmubahasainggris.com/linguistic-pengertian-syntax-dan-penjelasan-serta-contohnya/  (3rd April 2020)