1. Please watch the video related to the sociolinguistic introduction. (if ur phone cannot see the video, please change the setting as view as the desktop) or you can read the material from this book SOCIOLINGUISTIC BOOK
2. Based on the video above,
answer some questions which have been created toward the vide
1. Please watch the video related to the sociolinguistic introduction. (if ur phone cannot see the video, please change the setting as view as the desktop) or you can read the material from this book SOCIOLINGUISTIC BOOK
2. Based on the video above, please make summary
3. Submit it in GCR today.
Meeting ke 4, 31 Mei 2024 - SPEECH COMMUNITY
1. Please watch the video related to the sociolinguistic introduction. (if ur phone cannot see the video, please change the setting as view as the desktop) or you can read the material from this book SOCIOLINGUISTIC BOOK
2. Based on the video above, Please answer the questions " What is speech community? How about Nganjuk, Could you find a speech community in Nganjuk? Please mention, give an example from it, and explain it !"
3. Don't forget submit your assignment in GCR
Meeting ke 5, 28 Juni 2024, -REGIONAL AND SOCIAL VARIATION
Based on this video, please answer the questions below about language variation. Based on that, please explain, what does mean?
Regional variation has characteristic as "Distance is an important factor".
Social variation has characteristics such as " Distance is not an important factor:
Please explain with clear information. That is better if you give examples or case
1. Please learn about modal page 151 or you can watch the video below. After that please doing exercise 1
2. Polite Riquest as "I" as the suvject
3. Polite Request as " You" as the subject and please doing excer 2
4. After that, please make a summary of how to remember the modal auxiliary introduction, Polite Request as "I" as the subject, and Polite Request as " You" as the subject
5. You can type or write your assignment on a piece of paper and submitted in GCR in PDF file within 24 hours.
b. Contoh video yang memuat 8 keterampilan dasar ( klik disini)
c. Berdasarkan RPP yang dipilih, silahkan untuk membuat materi pembelajaran yang nantinya akan diimplementasikan dalammicro teaching selama 7-10 menit
Meeting Ke 4 (9 Mei 2024-30 Mei 2024) - Analisa Prinsip Dasar Micro Teachng
a. Silahkan lihat video berikut ini ( klik disini)
b. Bersadasarkan video tersebut, silahkan di analisa apakah video tersebut menerapkan keterampilan dasar micro teaching , jika ada,silahkan memberikan tanda centang (form bisa diunduh disini)
c. Jenis - Jenis Model Pembelajaran Kurikulum Merdeka (Unduh di Sini)